RC Airplane Repair
Learn to repair EPO and balsa models with our comprehensive guides and expert tips.
How to repair your foam RC Plane
We've all crashed our rc plane and wondered if we should fix it or not. I suggest you try.. With the right techniques with glue and clamps you can repair your destroyed airplane have learn some modeling skills that will help you and your friends. In this video I review glues, glue application and clamping techniques that will help you.

HobbyKing's Tips Bench Tuesday
After crashing an RC foam plane, how do you repair the damage and get it flying again? Rob goes over some tips and tricks to give more life to your crashed RC EPO planes. The plane being repaired is the Avios Grand Tundra Plus after an unfortunate weekend flight.

Quick Tip Minor Repairs
Check out the latest episode of The Leading Edge series with Mean Joe! In this episode we cover doing some minor repairs to your models without having to remove the covering from the repair area.

Fiberglassing Tutorial with Greg Hahn - Model Aviation magazine
Greg Hahn shares how to fiberglass a model. He discusses the appropriate tools, preparation work, and the proper technique to apply fiberglass.

This site helped me repair my EPO model easily. Great tips and clear instructions provided!
John D.
I learned so much about balsa models here. The guides are detailed and very helpful!
Sarah K.